CRUZ Management Company, Inc., is proud of its involvement in the rebuilding and revitalization of Boston neighborhoods.

Over the years, CRUZ has had extensive involvement in the planning and implementing of several relocation programs. In 1983, CRUZ Management was responsible for the on-site rehabilitation and relocation of 38 families at Charlame Park Homes II. In 1988, CRUZ commenced a two year rehabilitation and relocation program and a five year program in 2012 for Wayne Apartments, a 349 unit scattered site development located in Roxbury, Dorchester, and Mattapan.

In 1994, CRUZ was chosen as the first relocation contractor for the MHFA-HUD Demonstration-Disposition Deleading program. With its extensive background in relocation and the awarding of the largest MHFA-HUD Demonstration Disposition relocation contract in the spring of 1996, CRUZ established a new division within its company, CRUZ Relocation.

In July 1996, CRUZ Relocation commenced the job of relocating approximately 520 families from their homes in Camfield, Grant Manor and Roxse Homes to temporary housing within the greater Boston area. The staff, comprised mainly of residents who live in the development, has established and implemented a professional program committed to ensuring than equal or better quality of living is maintained for individuals throughout the relocation process. This resident initiative program allows for the revitalization and beautification of these developments and the return of each family to a new community they can call their own.