Cruz C.A.R.E.S

Our motto is ‘Cruz Cares’ and our mission is giving back to the community in as many ways as possible.
Cruz C.A.R.E.S (Community, Arts, Recreational and Educational Services) is Cruz Companies social responsibility arm, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that exists to help Boston’s urban community. Throughout the years, Cruz C.A.R.E.S has hosted after-school programs, summer camps, college scholarships, resident field trips and a youth holiday celebration.
In addition, we believe that a real estate development should provide economic opportunities for the people in the community, including:
Increasing affordable
housing opportunitiesBuilding sustainable communities through economic development opportunities
Hiring other minority businesses through subcontracts and vendors
Providing career opportunities
to area residents
Each year Cruz Companies sponsors several field trips for youth, including ski trips to the Waterville Valley in New Hampshire. Trip include transportation, lessons and rentals.
Our commitment to the community is shaped by our passion for helping others and our desire to create a promising future for the communities we serve. Cruz Companies provides financial and programmatic support to philanthropic organizations and institutions that have long been recognized for their impact and proven results in communities of color.
The scholarship honors John “Bertie” Cruz’s commitment to the value of education. Established in 2006 with a $100,000 endowment, the scholarship helps promising urban youth students attend Bridgewater State University. The scholarship exemplifies the Cruz family’s commitment to giving back to the community by paving the way of opportunity for our youth.
In December 2015, Cruz Companies hosted its first annual youth holiday celebration in Roxbury at the Yawkey Boys and Girls Club. Dozens of children and families from Cruz properties attended the event and received gifts and pictures with Santa. Cruz is proud to share the holiday cheer with neighborhood children and families, and hopes this great event will continue for years to come.
In the summer of 2016, Cruz Companies recruited eight youth and one coordinator from the communities of Roxbury, Dorchester and Mattapan to participate in inaugural class of the Cruz C.A.R.E.S. Summer Works Program. Youth workers are between the ages of 14-18 and receive compensation for their work. The six-week program ran from July 5 – August 19, 2016, and was launched in partnership with ABCD Summer Works
The annual trip has been ongoing for approximately 20 years. We are proud to extend this amazing experience to many of our tenants and their children as part of our mission to give back to the community. In the summer of 2016, we brought more than 60 youth, chaperones, and staff to the island for a day of cycling, swimming and sightseeing. Youth participants ranged up to 17 years in age and traveled from Cruz-managed properties in the Roxbury, Mattapan, Dorchester and South End neighborhoods of Boston.