Eastern Bank to Cruz Companies: A Nod to Good

Justin Cruz, John B. Cruz III, Bob Rivers

(John B. Cruz III, President and CEO of Cruz Companies, and Justin Cruz, Director of Cruz Management welcome Bob Rivers CEO of Eastern Bank)


Justin and John Cruz with Bob Rivers

(John B. Cruz III, President and CEO of Cruz Companies, and Justin Cruz, Director of Cruz Management greet Bob Rivers CEO of Eastern Bank)


On Friday, April 5, 2019, John B. Cruz III, President and CEO of Cruz Companies, and Justin Cruz, Director of Cruz Management, welcomed CEO of Eastern Bank, Bob Rivers. The three came together for an informal presentation.

Standing below a framed photo of the construction company’s namesake, John “Bertie” Cruz, John and Justin Cruz, accepted a framed article from Mr. Rivers. The Eastern Bank CEO preserved a Boston Business Journal feature in honor of the company. The article, titled “Summer Stock: Cruz Cos. CEO chose construction over drama, and hasn’t looked back”, highlights the Cruz growth. Over the past seven decades, the Cruz Companies’ investment in local development and economy is undeniable. From a two-man carpentry operation to multi-million dollar construction, real estate and management, the family-owned business cares about community.

“Our motto is ‘Cruz Cares’ and our mission is giving back to the community in as many ways as possible,” said John B. Cruz, III President and CEO. “We incorporate our community values in all that we do, from Roxbury to New Bedford and Miami.”

Similarly, Eastern Bank is known for their philanthropy and commitment to doing well. Cruz hopes to work on projects in the Southeastern Massachusetts like Brockton and New Bedford.

Cruz Companies will celebrate its 70th Anniversary on June 2, connecting long time employees, team members, friends, community members, family and business clients such as Eastern Bank. Funds raised from the event will benefit minority students at Bridgewater State University through the John “Bertie” Cruz, Jr. Scholarship Fund and Cruz C.A.R.E.S., the social responsibility arm of Cruz Companies, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides programs and services for children, youth and families of Greater Boston.

About Cruz Companies: Cruz Companies is the oldest and largest minority-owned construction, real estate development and property management firm in the region, responsible for landmark projects and developments. Cruz Companies’ mission is giving back to the community through providing employment and career opportunities to area residents, hiring local minority contractors and businesses, and increasing affordable and market rate housing. For more information, please go to our website www.cruzcompanies.com.
